Lisa Lynway - Fastest dagger user
Final guide I found about UPC's. I know many people will like Lisa Lynway because shes one of the beautiful females in Sword of the New World: Granado Espada and the fastest dagger character!Why is she the fastest? Because she attack 4 TIMES in 1 SECOND! Her damage with 1 hit is like 35% of a hit with Hack and Slash, meaning its 140%(35*4 Attacks) the damage of a fighter.
Lisa Lynway.
Character Level: 24Location: Coimbra's Cafe (Coimbra Port)Job: Coimbra's Cafe barmaid and a chocolate seller (Don't think you'll be digging in chocolate if you'll get her card )Weapon Usage: Daggers
5 8 5 6 3 3
Stances: Dobala Corte (Two Daggers in two hands), Escrima (One Dagger in one hand)
1. Angel's FruitReq: Level 20Lisa wants to try to make an Abocado Sandwichso she will ask you to pick 1 Abocado from a tree (Who knew abocados grow on trees )Go out of town and follow the gate to south to King's Garden (19~22 monsters)it should'not be a problem to find it, she even showed you the map with an X on the tree, if you forgot where it is then its in K6 on the Zone Map.Get the Abocado and give it to her, she will make a abocado sandwich and a little Vis, she will think you can have it because you helped her, while ago some guy picked up on her, so she will give you Coimbra Trooper Card (Lv32!)
2.A Chocolate's LadyReq: Completing Angel's Fruit, Level 24Lisa is out of materials so she'll ask you to go get her 50 high-quality Cabosse, those Cabosses can be found by killing Phobitans, one of the most annoying and ugly monsters in Granado Espada, i'm just glad Lisa isnt one of them. ( Or is she? )When you'll finish the quest, go back to her and claim your reward, you can pick one element of Evocation Fire / Ice / Lightning
3.The Stolen WarehouseReq: Completing Angel's Fruit, Chocolate's Lady and level 24Some guys called Comodos have stolen stuff from her warehouse, she will ask you to retrieve it back and also get her Daemon's Horns from Daemon to keep it fresh and cold (Cold horns, eh? Why didn't I think of that? )Go to Tetra Grand Corridor inside the dungeon and hunt those items by killing Daemon and Combdos, when you finish go back to her and claim your reward.Guess what, she will give you Lisa Lynway card and Dobalada Corte a skill for daggers that lisa still didn't learn yet, teach it to her so you can use double daggers.
Lisa Lynway.
Character Level: 24Location: Coimbra's Cafe (Coimbra Port)Job: Coimbra's Cafe barmaid and a chocolate seller (Don't think you'll be digging in chocolate if you'll get her card )Weapon Usage: Daggers
5 8 5 6 3 3
Stances: Dobala Corte (Two Daggers in two hands), Escrima (One Dagger in one hand)
1. Angel's FruitReq: Level 20Lisa wants to try to make an Abocado Sandwichso she will ask you to pick 1 Abocado from a tree (Who knew abocados grow on trees )Go out of town and follow the gate to south to King's Garden (19~22 monsters)it should'not be a problem to find it, she even showed you the map with an X on the tree, if you forgot where it is then its in K6 on the Zone Map.Get the Abocado and give it to her, she will make a abocado sandwich and a little Vis, she will think you can have it because you helped her, while ago some guy picked up on her, so she will give you Coimbra Trooper Card (Lv32!)
2.A Chocolate's LadyReq: Completing Angel's Fruit, Level 24Lisa is out of materials so she'll ask you to go get her 50 high-quality Cabosse, those Cabosses can be found by killing Phobitans, one of the most annoying and ugly monsters in Granado Espada, i'm just glad Lisa isnt one of them. ( Or is she? )When you'll finish the quest, go back to her and claim your reward, you can pick one element of Evocation Fire / Ice / Lightning
3.The Stolen WarehouseReq: Completing Angel's Fruit, Chocolate's Lady and level 24Some guys called Comodos have stolen stuff from her warehouse, she will ask you to retrieve it back and also get her Daemon's Horns from Daemon to keep it fresh and cold (Cold horns, eh? Why didn't I think of that? )Go to Tetra Grand Corridor inside the dungeon and hunt those items by killing Daemon and Combdos, when you finish go back to her and claim your reward.Guess what, she will give you Lisa Lynway card and Dobalada Corte a skill for daggers that lisa still didn't learn yet, teach it to her so you can use double daggers.